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How We Can Support Breastfeeding Mothers

The week starting from 1st August to 7th August is marked as World Breastfeeding Week. The week aims to recognize why breastfeeding is essential for newborns and their mothers. It also reveals the advantages of the process. As per some reports, plummeting rates of breastfeeding have caused serious issues in the wellness of babies. A common reason given for this steady decline is the unsupportive environment among breastfeeding mothers which causes them to stop breastfeeding altogether. 

Here are a few ways we can do your bit in creating a safe space for a mothers around you:

  • Emotional Support during breastfeeding

As a partner, family member, friend or just someone around a breastfeeding mother, the most effortless help you can give her is words of affirmation and emotional support. Creating a supportive environment around them with zero judgment can really positively impact her

  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Women, in general, have always been held responsible for carrying household responsibilities. However, after childbirth and under post-natal care, the burden increases manifolds and can seriously stress mothers. At this tumultuous time, family and friends in direct contact with her should divide chores to help her out. 

  • Positive Social Outlook

When women are out in public, breastfeeding their child often invites judgemental comments and improper sexual innuendos aimed at them. It has become somewhat taboo which makes breastfeeding a very difficult task to carry out when it is just a mother carrying out a very important task. As members of society, we can amend this by unlearning this behaviour and ensuring a safe environment for mothers where they will not be judged for breastfeeding. There should also be assigned spaces in public infrastructures for breastfeeding mothers so they do not have to hunt for a safe spot. 

This World Breastfeeding Week, we must acknowledge our collective responsibility in creating a supportive environment for breastfeeding mothers. It is important to realize that the responsibility of child healthcare is not upon breastfeeding mothers alone. 

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