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Understanding Climate Change: Impacts on Health, Livelihoods, and the Environment

Climate change is causing big problems for people and the planet. Certain places, like small islands, dry mountains, and crowded coastlines, are at higher risk. About a billion people who live in rural areas depend on things like farming, fishing, and forests to survive.

Here’s what’s happening because of climate change:

  1. It’s getting really hot outside, making working outside very hard.
  2. Electricity is becoming more expensive and less reliable.
  3. More people are getting allergies and facing health risks.
  4. Food is becoming more expensive and we might not have as many different kinds to eat.
  5. The quality of our water is going down.

Climate change is affecting our health and healthcare too:

  1. Extreme weather is spreading diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
  2. Our healthcare system is getting stressed because of rising temperatures and disruptions in water supply.
  3. We’re seeing more forest fires, bad air, and disease-carrying bugs.
  4. Infrastructure like power and roads are also getting messed up, making it harder to get medical help.

The main things causing these problems are:

  1. It’s getting hotter overall.
  2. Sea levels and ocean temperatures are going up.
  3. We’re getting more heavy rains and strong storms.
  4. Certain places are getting drier.
  5. Ice and glaciers are melting.

This climate change messes up how the Earth’s temperature works and it’s causing big issues for us and nature. The gases we’re putting into the air are messing up the Earth’s balance and making things warmer, which is not good.

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